Azure Pipeline allows you to build and upload both Android and iOS apps to for testing and feedback. Here's how to do it:


To integrate with Azure Pipeline for iOS, follow these steps:

1. Clone the sample project testappio-ios-sample-app from GitHub and switch to the integration-azure branch:

git clone
git checkout integration-azure

2. Configure the iOS project for Fastlane:

  • Install Fastlane.
  • Create a ./Gemfile file in the root directory of your project with the following content:
source ""
gem "fastlane"
  • Run bundle update and add both the ./Gemfile and the ./Gemfile.lock files to version control.
  • Initiate Fastlane by running the following command in the iOS project folder:
bundle exec fastlane init
  • Follow the wizard; it will create a ./fastlane/Appfile file with your Apple ID and team.
  • Initiate Match by running the following command:
bundle exec fastlane match init
  • Follow the instructions and provide the new empty git repository when asked; it will create the Matchfile.
Note: Please use the HTTPS GIT repository address.
  • Generate the certificate and provisioning profile by running the following command:
bundle exec fastlane match adhoc
  • Provide a matching password for encrypting the certificates and profiles in the GIT repository.
Note: Provide a matching password for encrypting the certificates and profiles in the GIT repository.
  • Add the testappio plugin for Fastlane by running the following command:
bundle exec fastlane add_plugin testappio

3. Select provisioning profiles in Xcode:

The newly created certificates and profiles should now be possible to select inside your project. Open Xcode and go to Signing & Capabilities.

Note: Don't choose Automatically manage signing

4. Set up Azure Pipeline:

  • Create an Azure Pipeline and select the pipeline configuration file created in the previous step.


  • Configure MATCH_PASSWORD secret variable for the pipeline.


  • Similarly, configure GITHUB_API_TOKEN the secret variable for the pipeline by navigating to Tokens and generating a Personal Access Token.
  • Add TESTAPPIO_API_TOKEN and TESTAPPIO_APP_ID as secret variables for the Fastlane plugin. You can grab them from your App -> Integrations.

5. Create the lane:

Create a ./fastlane/Fastfile file and copy the following content:


platform :ios do
  desc "Build the adhoc and upload to"
  lane :beta do
    match(type: "adhoc")
    gym(export_method: "ad-hoc")
      release_notes: "My release notes here...",
      git_release_notes: true,
      git_commit_id: false,
      notify: true

More info on the Fastlane plugin:

Note that you may already have your lane in place. Copy the upload_to_testappio action and put it into your pipeline after the IPA export.

Here's the Azure Pipeline configuration file:

- main

  vmImage: macOS-12

- script: |
    bundle install
    bundle exec fastlane ios beta
  displayName: 'Execute the lane'

6. Commit and push the change to trigger the pipeline.


To integrate with Azure Pipeline for Android, follow these steps:

1. Clone the sample project android-sample-app from GitHub and switch to the integration-azure branch:

git clone
git checkout integration-azure

2. Configure the Android project

  • Install Fastlane.
  • Create a ./Gemfile file in the root directory of your project with the following content:
source ""
gem "fastlane"
  • Run bundle update and add both the ./Gemfile and the ./Gemfile.lock files to version control.
  • Initiate Fastlane by running the following command in the Android project folder:
bundle exec fastlane init
  • Follow the wizard; it will create a ./fastlane/Appfile file with the required information.

3. Set up Azure Pipeline:

  • Add TESTAPPIO_API_TOKEN and TESTAPPIO_APP_ID as secret variables for the Fastlane plugin. You can grab them from your App -> Integrations.

4. Create the lane:

Create a ./fastlane/Fastfile file and copy the following content:


platform :android do
  desc "Build and upload to"
  lane :beta do
      task: "assemble",
      build_type: "Release"
      release_notes: "My release notes here...",
      git_release_notes: true,
      git_commit_id: false,
      notify: true

More info on the Fastlane plugin:

Note that you may already have your lane in place. Copy the upload_to_testappio action and put it into your pipeline after the APK export.

Here's the Azure Pipeline configuration file:

- main

  vmImage: ubuntu-22.04

- script: |
    bundle install
    bundle exec fastlane android beta
  displayName: 'Execute the lane'

5. Commit and push the change to trigger the pipeline.

That's it! Now you can build and upload your Android and iOS apps to for testing and feedback using Azure Pipeline.

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